The Crown
The crown occupies a central place within the Moët & Chandon universe, perched atop the bottle and symbolizing the bond that links the House to numerous European courts since the 1750s, including the Imperial Court of France, the Royal Court of Spain, and the English Royal Court.
Baqué Molinié envisioned a half-globe representing an aerial view of vine plots.

A symbol of protection and benevolence
To highlight the crown as a symbol of protection and benevolence, Atelier Baqué Molinié recreates this icon of European history with a half-globe inside, covered in green velvet and lined with beads to plot an aerial view of the Champagne region and its vineyards.
Glass pearls along the arches of the crown symbolize bubbles rising toward a guiding, solar star.

800 Hours of Work
Crown structure composed of glass pearls radiating around an embroidered starburst center piece with caviar mother-of-pearl beading and gilt leather. Dome embroidered on silk velvet featuring sections strung with faceted lines of beads and cut tubes in shades of green.